Rotary RIP December 1st, 2015
Posted by Fred Wynistorf
Rotary RIP for December 1, 2015
Meeting was called to order at 7am and John Dale introduced our guest speaker, Alison McMurter-Hughes. Alison practices law with McMurter and Associates in Whitby. She attended Osgood Hall and recently moved to Whitby and started a family. Alison spoke on the subject “Why do you need a will?” She explained that a will allows you to choose an executor to handle your affairs, consider gifts you may wish to make under your will, choose residual beneficiaries and establish trusts for specific needs such as a disabled child or a minor. She further explained how an estate would flow to various people in the absence of a will. Thank you Alison for an informative presentation!
Sergeant-at-Arms Report
Doug Freeman and Mike Finigan did their best to collect some funds- Gino is celebrating an anniversary but he was absent, they tried to fine Sean Lockhart for being late but apparently he “had permission”. They quickly turned to happy bucks – Betty was happy to visit her granddaughter at Dalhousie, Randy Myers was happy to be sponsoring a refugee family, Joanne Ashley was happy to attend book club last night despite failed attempts to connect with Leigh Elliott over the pond, and Joanne was happy that the red scarf Aids awareness project is now on display in downtown, Sheila was happy to celebrate her 20th anniversary in Punta Cana.
No winners from the card draw this week – the pot grows to over $500!

RADAR - Rotary Action for the Development of AIDS Responses4th Annual "Slice of Life" Evening in Honour of World AIDS Week. This event was held at the Abilities Centre in Whitby on November 25th.

- Ray commented on the excellent Slice of Life event that took place last week with passionate people telling their stories.
- Santa Clause Parade is this weekend December 5th – volunteers needed for set up Friday afternoon and take down Saturday afternoon
- Tuesday December 8th is Club Christmas Party at the Centennial Building 6:30pm – if you have not yet paid please do so - Betty needs firm numbers
- There will still be a regular Rotary meeting in the morning of December 8th.
President Larry then called to order the Annual General Meeting and began with his Presidential Address. Larry reviewed the strategic plan and commented on our excellent progress. There are three avenues of service:
1. Community – enhance the lives of children in our community – wonderful involvement with Joanne’s House, nutrition through serving and delivering meals, and mental health initiatives with Ontario Shores. And share Rotary values with youth – accomplished through “You’ve got something to say”.Quality of life for persons living with disabilities – accomplished through Rotary at Work.Quality of life for persons living with Aids/HIV – accomplished through Slice of Life and Red Scarf project. Quality of life for seniors – accomplished through Day of Giving
2. International – our club under the direction of Ray Richardson is leading our district with grant knowledge and action
3. Club – goal to increase diverse membership – we admitted three new members last month, held events including the Mystery dinner, bowling, Brock Street brewery gathering and getting the
Brooklin Satellite Club going President Larry reminded us that there is still lots to do and thanked the Club for supporting him through his 19 month term!!
Fred Wynistorf, Treasurer, presented some financial stats:
Financial Highlights year 2014-2015 Rotary Club of Whitby
Reduced membership dues and meals structure for the year to cut the surplus from $6,355 (2014) to $599 (2015). The Board made further adjustments to the dues and meals structure for the 2015-2016 year to eliminate the subsidy factor created by non-attendance.
Total revenues were $166,245 and expenses were $215,769 for a gross deficit of $49,525. The bulk of the deficit is as result of the $50,000 donation to the Library of which $25,000 came from Edgeley Capital. The remainder of the deficit was financed from accumulated surpluses from prior years in our Community Service, Bingo and Edgeley Bank accounts.
Equity position dropped from $290,906 as of June 30, 2014 to $239,878 as of June 30, 2015 of which $175,680 is held in the Edgeley GIC account.
Total fundraising revenue dropped from $218,816 (2014) to $132,636 (2015).
Higher Food Truck Frenzy revenues (2014 +54K), bulk interest payment on Edgeley GIC (2014+12K) and the lack of Valentine’s Day Dance income (2014-21K) represent the main causes for the drop.
Bingo and Golf Tournament net revenues held steady at approx. $20,000 each.
Financial Highlights year 2014-2015 Neil Murkar charitable Foundation
Donations for the year were $13,045 up from $11,489 in 2014.
Expenses/donations for the year were $15,201 compared to $13,153 in 2014. Donations to World Community Service projects were $7,125 while local donations were $7,000.
The deficit of $2,156 was financed from accumulated surplus in the Bank Account from prior years.
Equity position as of year -end was $2,073 (2015) compared to $4,229 (2014).
Next were nominations for the Board positions – need a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 and we had 11 nominations and all new board members were elected by acclamation. The new Board members are as follows:
Steve Cornell, Gino Diraddo, Shauna Moore, Grant Souter, Mary-Ann Souter, Fred Wynistorf, Hans Rempel, Joanne Ashley, Larry Giofu, Sean Lockhart and Genesis Inibhunu.
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