Who We Are And What We Do!
The Rotary Club of Whitby introduced the Environmental Action Committee (EAC) in the 2020-2021 Rotary year with the purpose of creating environmental initiatives that have a positive and lasting effect on the environment and support the seven Rotary areas of focus. Since its inception, the Whitby EAC has introduced a number of environmental programs within our club and accomplished many goals that benefit the environment and our community.
The Mandate of the Rotary Club of Whitby EAC is to educate our club and our community on environmental sustainability, promote and actively participate in sustainability initiatives and co-ordinate and promote environmental actions that create a positive effect to our natural world.

Aligning with our Mandate the Whitby EAC and our club has and will continue to actively participate in the following events:
- Great Lakes Shoreline Cleanup Initiative Annual Event with Many Rotary Clubs
- Adopt a Road Cleanup – Spring Annual Clean Up
- Education of club through “Environmental Moments” at club meetings
The Whitby EAC has also participated in these initiatives:
- Invited many speakers to discuss Environmental Sustainability issues with the Club, and other guests from the community
- ‘Meatless Monday’ and ‘LED Lightbulb’ Challenges
- Greenspace nature walks to promote member engagement, environmental sustainability actions (e.g. garbage removal) & promote the club’s & Rotary’s environmental consciousness through social media & web platforms
- Rotary Tuesday Talks – Environmental Speakers
- World Environment Day
- Attended Regional Climate Change committee meetings
- Interview municipal players involved with environmental Initiatives
- Develop policies & best practices to lessen the environmental impact of Rotary activities in Whitby/Durham Region
The EAC has a number of other projects in the works!!
Join an Environmental Action Committee Meeting! (held monthly) – Learn how you can help promote Environmental Sustainability in our Community - contact secretary@rotarywhitby.org and include EAC in the subject line.

Additional links to Rotary Environmental Resources:
Rotary District 7070 EAC: Introducing the District 7070 Environmental Action Committee and How YOU Can Help | District 7070 (rotary7070.org)
Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group esrag.org